Saturday, January 14, 2012

DIY Clay Art Project for Kids

This project came by complete accident. Last year my son wanted to enter the Reflections contest at school. He decided to make a clay sculpture. He spent hours on his project. When he was done I suggested we put it in the oven on low so the clay would harden. I did not read the instructions (I am not an instruction person...I always open them up and hand them to my husband to read:) and was horrified to open the oven and find the clay sculpture melted all over the pizza stone that was on the bottom shelf. We happened to have more clay. My son decided that it looked pretty cool and so he arranged the clay where he wanted and we put the stone back in the oven. Here is the final result.

This project has been shrink wrapped for the reflections contest. Otherwise, when the project comes out and the clay cools it stays somewhat soft. We have since done this project a few times and the result is always fun. I suggest not using a pizza stone :) as they are expensive. (I learned the hard way). I went to our local home improvement store and purchased a cheaper piece of tile for the project. It is currently proudly displayed in our home.

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