Monday, November 18, 2013

Gratitude Activity

A Grateful Heart
As I was trying to think of something I could do to help my kids be thankful this November I came across an idea. I modified it a bit and this is what I came up with. (I did this with our young women group as well.)
 I made several of these little heart boxes. On both sides it says, "A Grateful Heart." Inside I put as many Hershey Kisses as would fit. I then told those participating that the idea is to learn to recognize and be grateful for someone when they do something nice for us. This can be done throughout the month of November, the week of Thanksgiving, or even Thanksgiving Day.
  1. Recognize an act of kindness, service or likewise
  2. Tell that person how much you appreciate what they have done for you
  3. Present them with one of the Grateful Heart boxes and treats to show your gratitude
  4. Write in your journal what that person did for you and why it touched you
  5. Be quick to recognize future kindnesses and acknowledge them
  6. Thank Heavenly Father for those acts of kindness towards you
  7. Strive to be kind to others

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